Embed YouTube Videos and shorts.
This is a web component that loads YouTube embed iframes faster. Embed YouTube Shorts, videos, or playlists.
Works with Shorts and playlists too.
YouTube Video
YouTube Playlist
This is the player you embed. You can set various attributes to this component such as Video, playlist etc. to decide what content to render in the frame. This is an adaptation of @justinribeiro's lite-youtube component on npm. It's modified for toddle.
videoid The YouTube videoid. The videoid from this YouTube video ( is: SY3o9FQs1sU playlistid The YouTube playlistid; requires a videoid for thumbnail videotitle The title of the video videoplay
The title of the play button (for translation)videoStartAt Set the point at which the video should start, in seconds. posterquality Set thumbnail poster quality (maxresdefault, sddefault, mqdefault, hqdefault) posterloading Set img lazy load attr loading for poster image nocookie Use as iframe embed uri autoload Use Intersection Observer to load iframe when scrolled into view short Show 9:16 YouTube Shorts-style interaction on mobile devices params
Set YouTube query parameters